AI for Increasing Reporting of Fatty Liver to Promote Early Detection

Nanox.AI’s unique and pioneering algorithm highlights liver density measurements using abdominal and chest CTs. Low liver density is suggestive of fatty liver disease.

Discover the Need for
Advanced Liver Care

The global prevalence of MASLD
The global prevalence of MASLD is 25%
and it is considered a “silent” global pandemic
Prolonged high fat levels in t
Prolonged high fat levels in the liver can lead to fibrosis or MASH,
which can progress to cirrhosis. The mortality rate is 7.9% within seven years.
Early detection of liver di
Early detection of liver disease can help improve patient outcomes
and reduce its complications and healthcare costs
MASLD is associated with annua
MASLD is associated with annual direct medical costs of ~$103 billion 
$1613 per patient

Proven Value

In a study published in AJR, the Nanox.AI liver solution demonstrated enhanced diagnostic accuracy and automation efficiency

In a study published in AJR, t

FLD and Cardiovascular Risk 

There is a strong association between NAFLD and atherosclerotic heart disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillation

FLD and Cardiovascular Risk

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AI Solutions for Better Outcomes 

Improving Clinical Outcome

Improving Clinical Outcome

The AI-driven analysis enhances clinical outcomes by automatically measuring liver attenuation on contrast and non-contrast chest and abdominal CT scans.

Generating Value

Generating Value

Nanox.AI measures liver attenuation (HU), highlights results that fall outside the reference range, and visualizes the measurement location.

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Seamless integration with existing Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) enables timely and appropriate preventive care.

Adding Clinical Value to Radiology Reports

The AI Liver solution helps bridge the divide between radiology and gastroenterology, two medical specialties that often use different terms and descriptions to assess imaging data by adding clinical value as numerical scoring to the radiology report

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Join us on Nanox.AI’s journey to discover how our innovative technology can elevate your practice and drive healthcare standards to new heights.

Exploring Insights and Innovations

Explore leading articles in the field of medical imaging, featuring cutting-edge research, breakthrough technologies, and in-depth analyses of the future of medicine. Read more and stay updated with the latest knowledge and development.

Fatty Liver

AASLD Practice Guidance on the clinical assessment and management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

This new AASLD Guidance document reflects many advances in the field pertinent to any practitioner caring for patients with NAFLD and emphasizes advances in noninvasive risk stratification and therapeutics.

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Fatty Liver

Detection of Moderate Hepatic Steatosis on Portal Venous Phase Contrast-Enhanced CT: Evaluation Using an Automated Artificial Intelligence Tool

Precontrast CT is an established means of evaluating for hepatic steatosis; postcontrast CT has historically been limited for this purpose.

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Fatty Liver

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Failure, and Long-Term Mortality: Insights From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

To evaluate the association between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), heart failure (HF), and all-cause mortality. Both NAFLD and HF are increasing in prevalence due to shared risk factors.

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